
Disappearing Acts: Why Customers Ghost and How to Win Them Back.

Image of the post author Jodie Shaw

We’ve all heard tales from the dating world about “ghosting”—that sudden, inexplicable silence from someone who seemed genuinely interested just days, if not hours, ago. It’s a modern phenomenon, a product of our digital age, where ending a relationship can be as simple as hitting the ‘mute’ button. But while ghosting might be associated primarily with personal relationships, it has quietly and rather insidiously made its way into the business world.

Consider this: A recent study by MarketWatch found that 67% of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts before completing a purchase. While not all of these instances can be attributed to ghosting, a significant portion represents customers who showed intent but vanished without a trace. 

The corporate world is no stranger to this either. Sales teams often speak of promising leads genuinely interested in collaborations, only to go silent without any explanation. This isn’t just about missed sales or unfulfilled unions. It represents a broader shift in consumer and business behavior. The same digital tools that have empowered consumers with choices have also allowed them to disconnect, almost without consequence. The question isn’t just why this happens but also how businesses can navigate this new, silent frontier.

The Phenomenon of Consumer Ghosting

The term ‘ghosting’ initially emerged from the world of dating to describe the act of suddenly cutting off all communication with someone without any apparent reason. In business, ‘consumer ghosting’ encapsulates a similar behavior: potential or existing customers unexpectedly and inexplicably cutting off communication or engagement with a brand or company. It’s not merely a case of changed minds or abandoned carts; it’s the silence accompanying the act, leaving businesses grappling for answers.

Let’s look at a few scenarios to understand this better:

  • E-commerce Platforms: Imagine a consumer spending hours browsing through products, reading reviews, adding items to the cart, and even initiating the checkout process. Then, at the final step, they vanish, leaving behind a filled cart that never transitions to a sale.
  • B2B Engagements: A company expresses a keen interest in a product or service, engages in multiple discussions, maybe even negotiates terms, and then, without warning, all communication ceases.
  • Subscription Services: Long-time subscribers suddenly cancel their subscriptions without any prior indication of dissatisfaction without feedback or reason.

While these scenarios are varied, the underlying theme is consistent—unanticipated and unexplained withdrawal.

Now, to grasp the magnitude of this issue, consider this statistic: According to research by Showpad, more than nine in ten people (92%) who sell either products or services say they sometimes get ghosted for no apparent reason, and on average get ghosted by around one in five prospects (18%).

These figures are not mere data points; they paint a picture of a widespread phenomenon that businesses, regardless of industry or size, must acknowledge and address. 

Why Do Customers Ghost?

Ghosting, in any context, is perplexing. In the business domain, understanding the motives behind this behavior isn’t merely about addressing a challenge—it’s about creating bridges of trust and avenues of understanding. Let’s delve deeper into the prominent reasons driving customers to this silent retreat.

Mismatched Expectations: Promise vs. Delivery Discrepancies

Advertising is ubiquitous, and brands make tall claims and promises to lure consumers. However, when there’s a gap between the promise and the actual delivery, disillusionment sets in. A study by Accenture revealed that 78% of consumers have abandoned a transaction due to inconsistent experiences. Whether it’s a product that doesn’t live up to its hype or a service that falls short of its advertised quality, such mismatches can push customers away, often silently.

Overwhelming Options: The Paradox of Choice in a Saturated Market

The digital age has blessed consumers with a plethora of choices. But sometimes, more isn’t merrier. The paradox of choice suggests that having too many options can lead to anxiety and paralysis, making decision-making challenging. A consumer might ghost simply because they are overwhelmed and unsure. 

Better Offers & Alternatives: Switching to Competitors

Loyalty is fleeting in today’s competitive market. With businesses vying for attention through discounts, offers, and innovations, a better deal is often just a click away. Influenced by information and options, consumers might ghost when they find a more enticing offer elsewhere.

Fear of Confrontation: Avoiding Negative Feedback or Disagreements

No one likes confrontations. Many consumers, when dissatisfied, choose the path of least resistance—silence. Instead of engaging in discussions or offering negative feedback, they might find it easier to just move on, leaving businesses in the dark about their grievances.

Change in Circumstances: Personal Reasons, Financial Shifts, etc.

Life is unpredictable. Personal events, financial challenges, or shifting priorities can make previously interested consumers change their course. While businesses often focus on external competition, understanding and empathizing with the personal journeys of their consumers is equally crucial.

While ghosting might seem like a passive act, it’s often a loud statement. For brands, the key lies in listening to this silence, understanding its roots, and evolving to ensure they remain connected and relevant to their audience.

The Impact of Ghosting on Businesses

Ghosting has reverberating effects that ripple through various facets of a business. Its impact is not confined to the immediate loss of a sale or a partnership but extends to more profound, long-term consequences that can shape the trajectory of a business.

Lost Revenue and Wasted Resources

At the most basic level, ghosting leads to direct revenue loss. When a promising lead or an existing customer goes silent, businesses lose out on potential sales and future business opportunities. According to a report by the Harvard Business Review, companies, on average, lose up to 23% of their annual revenue due to not effectively managing customer churn. Additionally, resources invested in acquiring and nurturing these leads—marketing campaigns, sales efforts, or customer support—go to waste, reducing the overall return on investment.

Impact on Team Morale and Brand Reputation

Beyond the financial ramifications, ghosting can profoundly affect team morale. In particular, sales and customer service teams can feel disheartened when their efforts do not materialize into tangible results. Over time, repeated instances of ghosting can erode team confidence and motivation. Moreover, in the age of social media, silent customers might not remain silent for long. Negative reviews and public feedback can tarnish a brand’s reputation, making future engagements even more challenging.

The Long-Term Implications of High Ghosting Rates

Persistent ghosting is not merely a transactional challenge; it’s symptomatic of deeper issues. High ghosting rates can indicate misalignment between a business’s offerings and market needs, inefficiencies in customer engagement strategies, or gaps in product or service delivery. Over time, these unaddressed issues can lead to reduced market share, stunted business growth, and a diminished brand image. A study by Bain & Company emphasized that a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a profit increase of 25% to 95%, underscoring the profound long-term implications of not addressing ghosting.

Strategies to Minimize Consumer Ghosting

In the face of the ghosting challenge, brands need not remain passive. Proactive strategies can reduce the incidence of ghosting and foster stronger, more resilient relationships with customers. Here are some tested and effective strategies to tackle consumer ghosting head-on:

Open Communication Channels: Encouraging Feedback and Addressing Concerns

One of the primary reasons customers ghost is the perceived lack of an avenue to voice concerns or give feedback. Businesses should actively encourage open dialogue. Whether through feedback forms, social media engagements, or direct communication lines, ensuring customers feel heard can significantly reduce ghosting. A study by PwC found that 43% of consumers would pay more for greater convenience in services, and having open communication channels is a significant part of that convenience.

Personalized Engagements: Using CRM Systems and AI for Tailored Experiences

Today’s consumers expect personalized experiences. CRM systems, coupled with AI, can analyze customer behavior and preferences to deliver tailored product recommendations, content, and offers. By making the customer feel valued and understood, businesses can reduce the inclination to ghost. Salesforce research indicates that 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is essential to winning their business.

Loyalty Programs: Incentivizing Communication and Engagement

Loyalty programs, which reward customers for continued engagement and purchases, can be a powerful tool against ghosting. By offering tangible benefits for consistent communication—discounts, exclusive offers, or early access to products—businesses can incentivize customers to stay active and engaged.

Regular Check-ins: Automated Reminders and Genuine Care Follow-ups

Periodic check-ins, whether automated or personal, can remind customers of the value a business offers. These check-ins shouldn’t always be sales-driven. Simple gestures like wishing customers on their birthdays, informing them about new blog posts, or checking on their post-purchase experience can make a significant difference. It’s about showing genuine care and interest in the customer’s journey.

Transparent Operations: Keeping Customers in the Loop about Changes and Offers

Transparency fosters trust. Customers should be the first to know if there are changes in pricing, product features, terms of service, or any other critical aspect. Regular updates about new offers, company news, and additional relevant information can keep the customer engaged and reduce the feeling of being “out of the loop,” which can often lead to ghosting.

Success Through Market Research – Adobe’s Transition to Creative Cloud


Adobe, a global multimedia and creativity software leader, faced a significant challenge in the early 2010s. The company recognized a shift in consumer preferences towards subscription-based models. In response, they transitioned from selling perpetual software licenses to a cloud-based subscription model called Adobe Creative Cloud.


This transition was met with resistance from a segment of their customer base. Adobe noticed a potential increase in churn rates (a form of business ghosting) as some customers hesitated to adopt the new model, fearing recurring costs, perceived loss of software ownership, and potential accessibility issues.

Market Research Approach:

To address this, Adobe leveraged a combination of sophisticated market research tools:

  1. Surveys and Feedback Collection: Adobe initiated extensive surveys to gather feedback on the Creative Cloud model, understanding primary concerns and areas of resistance.
  2. Segmentation Analysis: Adobe segmented its user base using advanced analytics to tailor specific marketing and communication strategies for different user groups.
  3. Social Listening: Adobe employed social listening tools to monitor real-time feedback across social media platforms, forums, and online communities. This allowed them to address misconceptions and clarify the benefits of the Creative Cloud model.


Armed with insights from their market research:

  1. Adobe introduced a tiered subscription model, catering to different user needs and budgets.
  2. They launched educational campaigns highlighting the benefits of continuous software updates, cloud storage, and accessibility across devices.
  3. Adobe also addressed concerns directly through community forums, webinars, and direct communications, showcasing success stories and testimonials.


By 2017, Adobe reported over 12 million subscribers to their Creative Cloud service1, a testament to their successful transition and reduced churn. Their attentive response, guided by market research, not only reduced ghosting but also positioned Adobe as a customer-centric brand attuned to the evolving needs of its user base.

Final Thoughts

The silent retreat of consumers signals not just a missed connection but an invitation for introspection. For brands, this isn’t a mere operational challenge—it’s a reflective mirror, urging a deeper look at the value propositions, relational dynamics, and the ever-evolving consumer psyche.

The onus is on businesses to seek answers and ask the right questions. Why do silences echo louder than ever in an age of hyper-connectivity? How can brands foster genuine relationships in a market driven by algorithms and data points? The key lies not in seeing ghosting as a problem to be solved but as an opportunity to be explored. 

Brands that listen to the silences, lean into the discomfort of ghosting, and strive for genuine, empathetic engagements will not only thrive but redefine the fabric of consumer relationships. 

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